
Me mate told me that pakistanis, indians, bangladeshes and them lot come over here to marry for UK citizenship

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Is that true?????????????

He told me most of them never even seen who they marry before they arrive here.

Why do we put up with that? This is why English are losin are edentity because we make it s easy for them lot to com over here innit.




  1. Your the first english citizen that I've seen that can't spell.

    But what do I know I'm just a dumb American!

  2. your mate didnt go to school did he...?

  3. I think you friend is mistaking arranged marriages with marrying for citizenship.  It is a custom in some countries and some religions to marry somebody your parents have chosenn for you.  I'm so glad my parents aren't from such a place as I know she'd pick out a big nerd troll for me and say he is nice.

  4. Your mates talking through his @rse.

    A tiny number of arranged marriages take place and that is a tradition in some cultures.

    That isn't affecting British identity.

  5. the ones that have british citizenship go over there and marry so they can bring their wife to live over here there will be more foreigners than british here soon

  6. well mayb thy wudnt if the english hadnt invaded their country first

    and just to point out to you, thy are human, some very intelligent and improve everyday life (doctors, teachers etc)

  7. Yes they do. These are marriages of convenience and often they are shams. It is all about getting more people into Britain. I think the price of the bride or groom is higher if a pass port is included in the package. It should be stopped.

  8. yes they are, it has been for years.

  9. Maybe is true, but they marry to someone who they havent seen because of their not a islamic practice but is their corrupted way of practising it.

    Still for british that is not the main problem, the problem is to get back the family values to stop the rise of violence...teenagers killing people is not good.

    And please dont vote for the BNP because that will not help for integration it will promote the ethnic clash!


  11. ...and the irony is that they can probably write and speak better English than you.

  12. There's nothing to stop any British citizen from choosing a foreign born wife or husband is there? - or is it just "that lot" that you take exception to.

  13. This is a fact, there are different types of people from different countries that marry a british citizen....sticking to the group you are talking about here is how it is broken down.

    Some marry purely for Brtish Citizenship and/or a chance to leave their home countries and move here

    Some marry someone they have never met because their culture requires them to marry someone form a specific sect and their parents will designate the spouse from their country of origin.

    Then there are the rare few who actually marry for love.

    The last group, I have no problem with....the rest I think is wrong. The major issue s not just that they come here and add an extra drain on our fascilities, but they also tend not to integrate.

    When working for a bank I had a customer call and say his friend needed a loan, I informed him that I would have to speak to his friend...I was told he doesn't speak a word of English, at this point  mentioned we can't help as he has to have been living here for at least 3 years I was shocked when he said he was born here and has been living here all his life!!!!

    People like that should go...they are of no social value and are just a drain.

  14. Yes it is true and it is a disgrace this we used to live in GREAT Britain but now it has been taken over by foreigners marrying and having children to stay un the country which means that us British folk get nothing that we are entitled too as they have been given it all!

  15. Your great-grandfather probably said the same things about the Jews in the 1930s until it became unfashionable.

  16. Yep,It's called payback!

  17. Because all those countries used to be British colonies. They come over because we house,feed and wash them too, at the taxpayers expense. why do you think the beers gone up.

  18. Yes and claim benefits immediately. Better than the shite hole they come from but if they keep letting more and more people in UK will look like the slums of Calcutta anyway.

  19. Dare I say it?..

    I know of 2 africans done that with my friends, and a turkish bloke my sister's friend..

    Its true in their instances. One friend had a baby. No sooner had she been registered, he was asking her to do a letter for the immigration office..

  20. Well, your mate is right, to some extent. But "them lot" are a minority... Majority of us Pakistanis, Indians living in the UK are British born, and the majority of us marry similar (British born) partners...

    As for KATIE's comment below, she's telling us how we have it all!? There's so much stereotype view of Asians, or ethnics in this country, the MAJORITY of us are hard-working individuals, who contribute MASSIVELY to the British economy/society.

    And if she meant the Asylum seekers, well she's wrong on that note as well.. The British government need Migrant Asylum workers, they contribute over £6 billion to the economy every year. When you buy fruit and veg from the supermarket, who do you think has packed it? Migrants….in the NHS hospitals, who do you think does the cleaning.. migrants.

    So Katie, less of the bashing, and more of the reading- educate yourself... Infact, go read a blank book and improve your mind. :)

  21. an indian boy told me they come here as they want to live the 'american dream', and this is as close as they can get without actually living in america

  22. India was a British colony.  Maybe if your ancestors had left India alone, this would not happen.

    And the British colonialists were responsible for the partition of India, with Pakistan and Bangladesh breaking away.

    Rent a copy of the movie Gandhi to see what I am talking about.

  23. It's cause they love our fish and chips so much Dave, and it's hard to get a copy of the Sun Newspaper in Pakistan or India

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