
Mean/Rude restaurants in NYC?

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I am curious if anyone has heard of one of those restaurants where the wait staff is intentionally rude in NYC? Thanks for any help. Also...anyone know why NYC is called Gotham city?





  1. the only place that I know that is rude to their customers (intenionally) is Hogs and Heffers in the meat packing the bar where the movie coyote ugly got their idea from,,,,, and i really dont know why they cal ny gotham city actually ive been living here all my life and never heard anyone call it that

  2. New York is just rude by nature...get over it

  3. I know there's a chain of restaurants where the staff is rude to the customers on purpose - you go there to get insults with your cheeseburger;  but, they aren't in New York.   New York had a restaurant on the Lower East Side called Ratner's - talk about rude!  Anybody remember those waiters?  They scared me to death.

    About Gotham: is New York called "Gotham"?

    "Gotham" was first used in reference to Manhattan by Washington Irving in the early 19th century. The word itself is English in origin and dates from the Middle Ages. Gotham, or "Gotam", was the name of a real and often-ridiculed town in England, whose residents had a reputation for madness.

    A variant on this story was that Gothamites were not truly mad but simply "wise enough to play the fool" -- in a variety of ways they merely acted silly to gain their ends. "It was doubtless this more beguiling-if tricksterish-sense of Gotham that Manhattanistes assumed as an acceptable nickname," writes Mike Wallace in Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898."

  4. At some old fashioned restaurants the waiters play at being rude, but in the end really are officiant and will even smile if you show you belong there.  I'm thinking of Peter Luger's  in Brooklyn and Katz's on East Houston.  Talking of Gotham (on 12th Street)

    I know someone who had an incident there years ago.  She wanted the signature tuna cooked well done and the     chef Alfred Portale refused to serve anyway but black and blue.  I know it was her food and she had a right to have it her way byt I was secretly on Potale's side since the tuna is great and he is a true genius.

      I've always assumed that the city got the name Gotham from the Gothic look of the skyscrapers - e.g. The Woolworth Building 'The Cathedral of Capitalism'

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