
Mean Teacher.... Need Help?

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My Teacher is EXTREMELY rude to me because I used to date her step son, and when him and I broke up she started to boycott me.

I tried to be nice to her and tell her the truth about our breakup, He cheated on me, and lied to me, and i was very tired of it. Decided I didn't need that in my life and moved on.

She then decided it would be a good idea to invited MY friends into HER office and GOSSIP to them about my social life . . . Which I think is completely inappropriate for a high school teacher


She tried to talk my friends into convincing me to go back out with her Step son. And I just didn't "understand things" and i was "naive"

It just goes on like this, Etc. And I have told her my feelings about it, and believe me when I say she does not listen to what I have to say.

I really do not appreciate her talking about me like this, especially in school, confidentially with my closest friends. I don't know what to do about it either. Please Help




  1. punch her!~

  2. If you actually have proof that a teacher is treating you differently because of your past relationship with her step son, you could report it to the principal. If you don't have any real proof, than you really can't do anything.

    What does she do to be "extremely rude". You should add more details.

  3. I suggest you discuss the situation with your parents, who may then want to contact the school administration.  It is inappropriate for a teacher to become involved in students' social lives and inappropriate to gossip.  If speaking with your parents isn't possible, you could go to the school administration yourself.  Meanwhile, I urge you to back away from the situation entirely.  

  4. wow i mean wow !! your teacher is a well im not sure i can say  b i t c well u know the last letter  

  5. during the middle of class say ecuse me miss, and then tell him everything u want to. if he tries to stop u just keep talking and get louder.   u can shout if u have to.   then walk ot of the class wile giving her an evil look. slam the door and walk home. dont turn around at anything.       !!!!!!!! trust me! she wont bother u again. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  6. It wasn't nice of you to tell her that her stepson cheated on you.  No one wants to know that about their relatives.  And it doesn't sound like she is being mean to you if she is trying to get your friends to talk you into going out with her stepson again.  It sounds like she likes you.  I suspect you don't like her because just seeing her reminds you of her stepson.  I think your performance has gone down because you don't like her, not because she doesn't like you.

  7. My suggestion is to report it to the proper authority. Good luck!

  8. I am not sure what grade you are in, but you need to go to the school counselor and tell him/her the story.

    You should NOT be in her class and the teacher should have gone to administration and explained that it is a conflict of interest for her to be your teacher.

    You need to be in a different class.

    And you want administration to be aware of the situation!!

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  9. 1. Talk to your parents who can advocate for you with her and the school administration and maybe get you into a different class if this can't work out.

    2. Document EVERYTHING.  Keep copies of all the papers she hands back so that if she finds they are "missing" in her grade book, you can "help" her by providing them for her.  Keep your grades on the first page of your note book. List the assignment and the grade. Then you'll know if she is being unfair.  Your grades could be going down because your attitude is getting worse, which is totally understandable.

    3. If she says something personally about you in class, talk to her after class and tell her that you feel your personal life doesn't belong in an academic classroom and it makes you uncomfortable and makes it difficult to learn.  I don't think it will work, but one of you has to be the adult and it isn't going to be her.

    4. You should never have told her why you broke up with her step son. No one want to hear their child is a liar, cheater, etc...but now that you have, she must still like you a lot (even though her actions don't show it) to still want you to go out with him.  

    Gosh, what a mean teacher....get out of the class if you can!

  10. try talking with your councelor for schedule change so you wont have to deal with her

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