My Teacher is EXTREMELY rude to me because I used to date her step son, and when him and I broke up she started to boycott me.
I tried to be nice to her and tell her the truth about our breakup, He cheated on me, and lied to me, and i was very tired of it. Decided I didn't need that in my life and moved on.
She then decided it would be a good idea to invited MY friends into HER office and GOSSIP to them about my social life . . . Which I think is completely inappropriate for a high school teacher
She tried to talk my friends into convincing me to go back out with her Step son. And I just didn't "understand things" and i was "naive"
It just goes on like this, Etc. And I have told her my feelings about it, and believe me when I say she does not listen to what I have to say.
I really do not appreciate her talking about me like this, especially in school, confidentially with my closest friends. I don't know what to do about it either. Please Help