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I bought a french bulldog. He was really really sweet when i first had him. Then I put a collar on him. He became extremely aggressive with me when I tug the collar. And even when i pick him up sometimes he growls and tries to bite me. I'm extremely worried hes only 10 weeks old. Will he be aggressive forever?




  1. well jessica when u listen to him like that hes thinking oh u know what shes listening to me now im the boss     i love animals and i know for sure u need to let him know ur the boss of him in stead of the other way around  when walking the dog if he becomes agressive put index finger and thumbon his jawliine so he doesnt move and at the same time LIGHTLY pull UP on collar when hes calm release collar and hand ...when u go to lift him and he growls all u need to do is tap him firmly but gently on the shonze if hes bad or growls tap him quickly and sternly anad again gently on the bottom if this doesnt work put himj on the discovery channel show called the dog whisperer hes awesome!!!!!

  2. Yes, I believe that some dogs are aggressive by nature. There is usually always one in the litter that is more dominate than the others. The best way to avoid this is to get an older puppy (4-8 months at least). That way you can tell more whats its true innate personality will be. Sounds like your dog is going to be a handful. Make sure you contact a dog behavior trainer (not just a basic trick and manners type trainer). It can be controlled if taken care of early on. Also getting him neutered young will curb a ton of problems associated with testosterone.Another big way to tell is what were his parents like? Are they very people oriented, or more aloof with strangers? You should never spend your money on a pet unless you know what your getting into. If you don't know they parents, or even better older siblings from previous breeding's, then don't spend the money on a puppy in the first place.

  3. maybe the collar is bugging him, why don't you try a different collar.

    if that doesn't work, than try to see if he has something bothering him around his neck.

  4. No/yes if you do not do something about it right now.. That kind of  behavior is not allowed.  You also need to call your breeder back, and ask them is this going on with any of the other pups....and did you check them out well before you bought this dog.  Frenchies, just because they are not big in size...they have attitudes. And you are finding that out real fast.  Also call a trainer that deals with this kind of behavior and get your dog there soon.  Also do not let him be alpha with you. I do mean you need to really call the breeder most will be happy to help you, and most frenchies are not a cheap dog, so call them soon also and get a tight hold or you are going to have your hands full, and not a nice loving dog, a nasty dog that wants to rule the roost.

  5. You should try obedience school

  6. Please do not misunderstand the things I am about to say,I am not trying to be harsh but you need to hear me and understand this is the best thing you can do for this type of problem.First off this is NEVER allowed behavior,! I would push this pup flat on the ground and make darn sure I held him there until he went quite and submissive. Do this any time he growls or trys to bite you of course hold him down tight enough that he can't get you.What happens is when a pup does this he is testing your place as pack leader if you allow it to happen and back off it will only get worse and worse as he takes over your house hold and you.So right now is the perfect time to take control.If he don't like you putting the collar on=put it on and off ten times a day. Under no circumstance is a dog ever allowed to growl at or bite his owner. If he will not allow you to place him on his back=force him,you must take control now. You might want to try and find a trainer that can come to your home and show you how to deal with this first hand.If you do not feel you can do this then I am sorry to say you have the wrong dog.He needs to be in the hands of a stronger personality who can show him this is never allowed.Tilks Mom

  7. It sounds as if you didn't properly introduce the pup to the collar or walking on collar.  

  8. How about a new collar?

    And this time, put a collar on, when the dog is hungry. Give him some food before and after. Praise him.

    I am also wondering if you have different leash for walk? The one goes around neck and chest.  

  9. A collar can be a scary experience for a new puppy... but usually they don't act quite that aggressive.  Most settle down within a few hours.

    I would be very concerned and take him to the vet.  The collar can be causing him pain from something you don't know about, like a neck injury.  A dog in pain will act very aggressive.  If there's something wrong with his neck, or anything else that might cause him pain, you would need to get it taken care of.

    If you bought him from a pet store, then the chances are good that he could have been injured or have an infection or disorder that they didn't disclose.

    Good luck with the new Frenchie.  

  10. I think you should take him to doggy classes. When I pick out a trainer I look for one that I can meet her dogs to see how they behave. I have a awesome trainer. Good luck

  11. Most puppies hate the collar or leash that early.  You have to practice with it.  Make sure you can get two fingers under the collar so it isn't too tight.  You may have to practice putting the collar on and off.  With the leash, put it on and try and get the puppy to come to you, or take him to the backyard and have him follow you and drag the leash, assuming you have a fenced back yard.  They get better with leashes and collars around 4 to 5-months-old.  Now if he growls at you, you can point at him and snap your fingers and say "behave" and when he behaves, then say "good boy"  You have to let him know what behaviors you allow, and which ones you don't allow, but always praise the dog when he does what you want him to do.  Hang in there, it does get better.

  12. Information about french bulldog's temperament : The French Bulldog is a gentle breed that typically has a happy-go-lucky attitude. Like many other companion dog breeds they require close contact with humans. They have fairly minimal exercise needs, but do require at least regular tendencies before they begin. The French Bulldog energy level can range from hyperactive and energetic to relaxed and laid back.

    French Bulldogs can be stubborn, and early and consistent obedience training is highly recommended. Housebreaking can be problematic, and crate training is generally the only efficient method to ensure your carpeting isn't ruined for life.

    In general, Frenchies are amiable, good natured, playful dogs, and make excellent companions for families, single persons and the elderly.

    for more information visit:

  13. yes he will be like this forever.BUT NOT IF YOU train him up properly.

    or take him to obedient classes.

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