
Mean guy on my bus keeps bugging me. what do i do?

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I HATE THIS GUY. He keeps making fun of me, and meanly flirting, keeps calling me his "boo" and says to everyone "I'll just have to wait a few years before i can...." you can finish it. He's in highschool and im in eighth grade.

i hate him so much. (you have to know him in real life to really get how disgusting and stupid he is)




  1. talk to a guidance counciler...or a parent and have them do it without making a scene....

    hopefully that can get you somewhere

    but dont be to embarrased to do that.

    cause you dont need that bull c**p everyday

  2. If he won't stop when you ask him to, tell someone about it.  Tell the bus driver and/or someone at school.  Also, tell your parents.  

  3. Report him, he might think he's being funny but if it makes you uncomfortable than it should be stopped.

  4. Jeez, he's in high school and he's hitting on you? Wow. Just hang around your friends so that he is a little intimidated. If that doesn't work then go ahead and try acting tough. that should get him off your back.  

  5. tell him to stop

    and ignore him

    he'll get bored after a while if you don't react to him

  6. Ignore him. He is just waiting for you to reply to make his day. If you ignore him and don't talk back he'll find something else to bug.

  7. report him 2 the bus driver..sexual harrassment

    answer mine please

  8. I do not like that word either. One man called me that and he thought it was a compliment since he does not call anyone but his loved ones as ' boo '..

  9. Well, I think you should either make a truce, or if you REALLY hate him you can tell him to stop bugging everyone and back off! Or choice 3 you could ignore him.

                                        Well, it is your pick!


  10. Walk...

  11. Either deal with it or report him.

  12. Tell the bus driver. sometimes they can kick the guy off the bus.

  13. just ignore him and act as if hes not there. if you keep doing this he will probably stop sooner or later. Or just tell the bus driver, principal, etc.

  14. iiThiiNK h3 iiS just t3asiiNG yOu... iiF h3 r3ally diiD lyk u h3 wudnt dO stuff lyk tah...x

    niiWaiiZ... TiiS wah yOu shud dO. Wh3n h3 says bOO 2 yOu say hiiS3xCii & stuff... SO h3'll thiiNK yOu lyk hiiM whiiL3 h3 is t3asiiN yOu && truust m3 h3'll l3av3 yOu alOn3

  15. I used to have a girl like that talk to me saying stuff like that my advice to that is just to hang out with a lot of friends sit somewhere else on the bus or just keep trying to ignore it theres a lot of choices out there just not anything ilegal

  16. dang girl! just tell him that u have no interest in him at all! and then if u can in front of all his buddies reject him! Maybe by doing this he'll leave u alone.  

  17. Quietly go to your guidance councilor and tell them that he is not only sick and disgusting but his remarks are making you physically ill because of them being sexual and disgusting you are frightened for your safety they will tell you what to do.

  18. I'm english i don't know "grades" so can you say how old you and he is please

  19. ignore him...if you will he will stop making fun of u....

  20. do you have any guy friends or boyfriend or older brother??...that should do for them,just intimidation or wedgies...or just confront him,make yourself sound rude like "You know what?,i think we all are kinda pretty sick of your awkwardly senseless stupidity caused by your mom while she was in labor and threw you to the floor,so (you press meanly his critch until you see this funny face in his,and say) if you wanna keep the twins in your tighty whities and crotch,you'll stop opening your pine hole...alright?" haha..

  21. He's just teasing you to get a rise out of you. It's rude and inconsiderate, but he doesn't mean any harm by it. Frankly, he's not going to stop just because you get mad or ignore him or come up with a really clever retort. Guys like that just like the attention. Calling him "pedophile" real loud so everyone can hear might discourage him, though.

    You don't need to put up with it. This does count as harassment. Talk to your dean or counselor or principal, and tell them that this boy harasses you on the bus every day. The school (your school and his school) have the right to punish him for what he does on the bus or off school grounds. They will talk with him and make sure he doesn't do it again. Talk with your parents and encourage them to talk to the principal on your behalf as well.

  22. Take the American way out- punch him or sue him for sexual harassment.  If you sue, you can start a college fund.

  23. Tell him off first. Be like, "Excuse me? I'm not your anything.

    I'm just a girl riding the same bus as you. And can you please

    leave me alone? Jeez." And move over.

    If he keeps bugging you, change buses.. if possible.

    Or report to the bus driver if it's too much to handle.

  24. If you give it back to him the way he dishes it out, he might leave you alone. Offense is the best defense in this case. Next time, he says that he needs to wait a few years, you just reply that you will be ready, but he might be in the retirement home and not being able to do anything anymore. Stuff like that. Just dish it out every time he's trying to let you have it. After a while, he'll get tired of it.

    Good luck!

  25. If this is a school bus, by all means tell the driver that he is harassing you, and insist that you sit up front as close to the driver as possible. Dont be shy about telling the driver what he says.  If the driver does not do anything about it, or claims they cannot do anything, then make SURE someone witnesses him giving you a bad time, tell him LOUDLY  "LEAVE ME ALONE" - so EVERYONE hears you, if he does not stop, then SLAP HIM - hard.  That should be the end of it, but if not, tell your Father or your older brother, and have him call the guys school principal.

    Telling your parents and asking them to handle it might just be enough.  

  26. Tell your parents, tell the school office and principal, this is a form of sexual harrassment and you should not have to endure this. Get help from your elders. Too bad if he doesn't like it. He shouldn't be treating you this way. If you need to get the police involved. It sounds like a threat when he says he'll get you when you're older.

  27. This is not just "bugging" you.  It's sexual harrassment.  The bus driver should be notified.  Also, let your parents know whats going on so they can decide if further action should be taken.

    Hmmmmm, wonder if you're parents would get you a can of MACE!!! That should take care of him! heh heh heh.

  28. All this ignore him or report him is obviously not gonna work. I have alot of problems with many people like this, i handle it by getting loud and telling them to get out my face! But that doesn,t work for everyone, so just ask him why the h**l he asks the way he asks and is that still why he doesn't have a girl!

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