
Mean sister????

by  |  earlier

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My sister is going to be a freshman and she is REALLY MEAN! i am going to be in 7th grade and we wear the same size! She is like super skinny.

Well we are on vacation visiting family and my mom stayed home cuz we are moving so she is packing. (This makes it worse because i can tell my mom to talk to hannah (older sis) about what she is doing but i dont want to ask my grandma to !)

Well she is always trying to bring me down and embarass me. like she will be like (infront of our cousins) sarah u are soooo wrong so just shut up. i am right! i am right! i am right! and then just laugh and walk away! she is a MAJOR know it all.

For example she brought MY SHORTS, and when she wore them i noticed that she had brought them and i was like " hannah, take off my shorts! those are mine, i was looking for them!" and she will be like (reallly loud!) "NO SARAH, I brought these and I am going to wear them to the Lake! these are the only ones i brought to the lake to wear." (read on)




  1. Next time she gets on about how dorky your clothes are, point out that you're wearing HER clothes (whether you are or not is a moot point - it will embarrass her back)

    Some girls don't outgrow it - be glad you're not in the same school for a while.  Make your own friends and ignore her while at school.

  2. my sister is still mean to me and we are in our 30's and 40's...

    i suppose i am lucky that we aren't the same size in clothes, but we do wear the same shoe size and when she tries to "borrow" my shoes, i remind her of my (pretend) foot fungus.

    maybe you can tell her you peed in all those shorts?

  3. Next time she says anything about your clothes ask her in front of everyone why she only took your clothes on vacation if she thinks you don't have any taste in clothes.

  4. shes probably trying to make herself feel better by bringing you down. don't let it show that it bothers you & fight back to her. she's trying to make herself look better next to you.

  5. I had the same problem as you. If you ignore her and don't bring yourself down to her level, people will eventually realize she's acting foolish and although you're the younger one, you're much more mature. I know it's hard to ignore so maybe a comment like "Do you feel better about yourself now?" or something like that would siffice next time she opens her mouth about you. As for the clothes, I'd recommend putting your iname/initials on the tags of everything that belongs to you with a permanent marker, that way she can't claim them.

  6. Fight back! Show her that you can fight your battles and out smart her! like if she says "why are you wearing that its discusting?" just say "actually its rather nice, obviously you havent got any taste". or if she says "SHUT UP YOUR WRONG" just say "am i really or are you embarrassed to admit that your the wrong one here?" fight back to everything she says. She will stop and realise you've out smarted her.  next time you see her just say "whats that a smell. Oh its a ***** approaching me, hey (insert sisters name here)"

  7. Just tell her to shut her trap.  You are not interested in what she has to say.  Walk away from her when she starts ragging on you.  Just ignore her.  If she confronts you about this tell her plainly the ways she has hurt you.

  8. She's being immature to try and give the impression that she's mature.

    Remember phrases like:

    "I hope you grow up when you get to high school, because you're a real baby now"

    "you're so immature, it's like hanging around with a little kid"

    "engage your brain before opening your mouth"

    "talk to the hand coz the face ain't listening"


    "you can wear the shorts if you like but they make you look like you've got two strings for legs with knots for knees - do yourself a favour and buy a long skirt"

    "I've seen better legs on a table"

    etc etc

    Ignore her when she's being really stupid and just try not to rise to her - she's trying to get a rise out of you by being horrible to you, so ignoring her is the best thing to do.  However, if she really bugs you, try some of the phrases above and just leave it at that.  Don't tittle tattle on her - just treat her like she's younger than you and that'll probably annoy her more than anything.


    Next time your sister embarrasses you or tries to pick a fight, just act like you don't care. Act like she is being so ridiculously stupid and immature (which she is) that you just don't care; just be quiet. DO NOT FIGHT BACK. (Naturally, she'll win because she's older.) When you act like she's not worth your time, that will p**s her off more than anything. A girl like your sister only wants attention for herself, like she's the smartest person in the world ("Know it all"). When you don't give her attention, she'll get really mad because it shows she's not worth your time. This is going to be hard; but I really recommend you try it for at least a week. Try not to break; DO NOT pick a fight. Just roll your eyes like some cranky 3-yr old is crying her eyes out. When you see her wearing your shorts, well, you didn't need it at the time... just let it go.

    It'll be hard. BUT TRY IT!

  10. Um, I have a sister who causes trouble in the family, always has, probably always will.  All of us (her sisters and brothers) refer to her (never to her face) as "the evil sister" because she does cause so much trouble.  I don't know why some kids grow up thinking they are the center of the universe and can't seem to see beyond their own pitiful needs and wants.  Even the gifts my evil sister gives are things she would like but have no appeal to the person she is giving to--that's how self-centered she is.  And she too used to "borrow" our clothings, wear them and get them dirty or damage them, then just tuck them back in our dressers or closets without cleaning or mending them so the next time you go to use them they are completely unusable and you're left standing there in your undies frantically trying to figure out what else you can wear since you hadn't prepared anything else.

    Truly, you are not alone.  When she belittles your clothes in front of others, just ask her (very sweetly) why is she always borrowing your clothing?  Probably most anyone can see what she is doing to you and sympathizes with you but doesn't know what to do or say about it (most people are chickens, especially around someone with an over-powering presence).  Right now her hormones are also kicking in which are messing with her mind.  She also is probably trying to define herself and doing it by trying to make a fool out of you.  When she starts to jump on your case, just smile and shrug and say "whatever" and walk away.  She won't be able to do anything more and eventually she'll get tired of trying to get a rise out of you when you won't cooperate, other people will see how cool you are even under fire.
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