
Meaning behind F. Scott Fitzgerald's quote?!?

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What does this quote mean?

“The compensation of a very early success is a conviction that life is a romantic matter.”




  1. Eagle Scouts either go straight up or straight down.

    Once you have achieved a great honor at an early age, you either understand that the rewards that life offers are primarily symbolic, or you don't.

    If you accept that scheme, and are content to pursue those symbolic rewards, you can go through your life collecting them.

    If, on the other hand, you see that all trophies are hollow, metal and easily tarnished, you may feel disillusioned to the point that you seek to anesthetize yourself for the rest of your life.

  2. It means that if you have early success, you come away with the impression that life is easy.

  3. i do not understand english very would mean that an earlly succes for a young man probably could be a negative thing..something unbearable...let's say and the compensation..i mean the reward for bearing such a heavy luggacge and responsabillity as the early the ideea that life is a romantic understand what is a romantic life it means to studi the romantism..the literrary current..well the romatic poets and writters were denying the values of the society and were looking for a shelter outside the society..

    so the quote could can endure an early success if you understand that life doesn't go by the rules of the society ..e.g..according to the society you become rich and famous when you are at least 40..being 25--30 ..and being famous and rich..beside the fact that at 25 you are at the top of the beauty ..beautiful or handsome depend if you are man or is quite a difficult thing..especialy when you are famous as a writer meaning you reached a  top of wisdome and the acknowledgement coming from is not quiate easy to be young clever famous and could feel like a dinamite.,,so then. in order to feel comfortable you think that life is a romantic i said..meaning to think that  life doesn';t go by the rules of the society and that there is a freedome somewhere..i would beter say that those who are rich and famous should thank God..because all that we achive we do due to Him..The saints were clever people even starting with 17 y.o.actually we musn't be afraid that we are young and wise..we should be afraid if we grow old and keep being stupid..God bless you..and have a nice day!i do not like reading biographies..because i didn't have the time and it was boring organised ..around the years..and i hated the 1873..he did 1879..he went....but i suppose..he reffered to his own life..or at least..he knows what it i know FSF  wrote ..the rich young man..or smth like that....but a romantic life..has nothing to do with that young rich man...who used to stress the value on the idea  of a rich man and the most famous university...well..the romantic act has nothing to do with university..even if the romantics studied at university..and made a part of university..because the romantics..knew that values come from God nor from the society...having a life in freedome was their dream..outside the preasuress stressed by all the criteria invented by society..(even if society mean the whole, the part or a single person in the street who troubles you saying you are crazy to wear such old fashioned dresses even if you are proud of them..while she being a woman is dressed like a man)

  4. Never heard it before, but I assume from the wording it pertains to loss of innocence.

    In other words the price of success or progress is the loss of that idealistic nature of childhood.

    So to give an analogy. A boy reads about Santa Claus. In his desire to research the fundimentals of flying sleds, he looks into gravity. Delves into science and physics. He becomes an acomplished scientist, but he never celebrated christmas the same as the other kids. Because nothing made sense and besides there's no way someone can get to every house in one night. Regardless of time difference.

    So in success, you can lose the conviction that the world is a magical place.

    Simply put, Loss of innocence through success to early.

    P.S. Santa Claus does exist!! :)

  5. This is a far simpler quotation than people may think.

    It means that if something comes very easily to you, you will be left with the impression that life is easy.

    The key words here are "compensation" "early success" "conviction" and "romantic"

    Let's rephrase it:

    If you succeed at something early in your attempts, you will be left with the idea that life is a "walk in the park".

    Let me know if I can further assist you!

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