
Meaning of a letter signed "Yours, (name)"?

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I got a letter today signed "Yours" and the person's name. What does it mean when someone signs a letter in that way? Does it have a romantic connotation?




  1. Signing correspondence with closings like "Yours" or "Yours truly" is considered  polite and widely accepted.  There are not romantic overtones unless things like XOXO are included or the body of the message contains romantic overtones.

  2. I mean, it could be romantic, it could not be. Personally, I feel there are so many ways to sign a letter without sounding even close to romantic, that "yours" is subtly romantic.

  3. It is hard to say.Men sometimes just want to lead women on. It makes them feel better about themselves.  It could be a sign of someone romantic or he could just be warming you up for fun or it could be nothing at all.  

  4. It was only romantic "back in the day" of Jane Austen. honestly, nowadays, it's just a nice way of saying "sincerely" with more connection. Would't overthink it unless you think there's something to overthink in the relationship

  5. no, its just a polite way of ending a letter

  6. How wonderful someone is writing a letter in the first place.Signed as it was is a friendly as opposed to a formal closing.

  7. It's just a formal, neutral closing.  

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