
Meaning of a phrase?

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what does "quid pro quo" mean? i tried looking up the words but they dont make sense when i put them together... help please?




  1. "something for something"

    I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

    Basically, an even trade.

  2. A quid pro quo is a gift or advantage that is given to someone in return for something that they have done.

    ex...The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo.

    ex...They share a great deal of information on a quid pro quo basis.

  3. "To pay/give/provide that something is worth of"

    "To become equal".

    if you look up the words separately then this should make sense.

    Quid= money

    pro= for (e.g. proactive, pro-abortion)

    quo= ~=worth

  4. quid pro quo is latin for "something for something"

    It indicates a more-or-less equal exchange or substitution of goods or services.
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