
Meaning of gunshot in dreams?

by  |  earlier

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I had a dream and I was shot by a man, but I didn't die. I pretended to be dead, and he shot me again, like four times and still wasn't dead. What does it mean?




  1. make sure it isnt like a brother or soemone awake dropping like a book

  2. dude i had the same dreams when i was a kid.

    turned out to be uncertainty and confusion, in life

  3. you probably saw that on t.v.. not all dreams have a hidden meaning.  

  4. dude......this is my interpretation. something is on your consience and it is bothering you. you've ignored it but you just have thi nagging feeling that there is something that you need to take care of. its probably nothing though. unless youve been having the same dream for nights in a row, then its best to consult a phycaitrist

  5. This one is simple.  Take a stance on the issue at hand that is bothering you.  Do not lay down and be defeated.  Be yourself for life is so short it will pass you by, laying down (and being shot) or standing up.

    Take care,

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