
Meaning of this phrase??

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What does it mean when one says that his/her looks are "mirror cracking material". Is it good or bad?




  1. weird usually the saying "you'd crack a mirror" means your ugly,and breaking a mirror means 10 years bad luck.

  2. lol that means REALLY UGLY!

  3. bad,means they are so ugly they will crack the mirror,

  4. Bad.

  5. It's very bad. When someone who says that about themselves, they mean that they're very ugly. Either they have low self esteem, or they're looking for compliments.

  6. it could mean two things. have a high-pitch voice, or it could mean your so ugly you break mirrors when you look into them.

  7. Cracking a mirror is bad because superstitions say that if you crack a mirror you will have seven years bad luck.  So that is certainly not a compliment.

  8. He or she is ugly enough to crack a mirror. That would be bad, unless you like ugly.

  9. it sounds to be bad it means that ur not handsome are not having good for the specific thing

  10. bad. they feel they are ugly. i've seen it in cartoons when someone looks in the mirror and is so ugly it cracks or shatters the mirror which is funny but when someone thinks that then they have very low self esteem

  11. so bad that the mirror breaks

  12. It's not good.  Usually it means you are so ugly you'll crack a mirror when you look in it.  

    I hope no one said that to you, that's a terrible thing to say to anyone.  

  13. That means your ugly enough to crack the mirror.

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