I often have really weird dreams, I have a lot of dreams about falling off stuff, ladders, scaffolding, falling from lifts, roofs, falling out of glass buildings, anything at all you can fall off, etc, its now left me having panic attacks every time I see any of the things I have fallen from in one of my dreams. Its at the point now its starting to affect my social life. My last panic attack happened when I was at the football, my boyfriend isn't aware of this problem and bought seats for the top of the stadium, that was a really bad one, kept on going for about an hour.
The other thing I dream is that I can't use my left leg, its like in my dream its made of solid concrete, I can move but only if I try really really hard, I cant bend my leg and I can barely lift it off the ground.
These things I dream about are starting to affect the quality of my sleep, I jerk awake in the middle of the night, or wake up randomly 3 and 4 times through the night, sometimes I cant get back to sleep.
If anyone can explain these crazy dreams or tell me how to overcome them I would be most grateful.