
Meaning/understanding of these poems. what do they mean?

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can someone explain these poems





  1. The Evening Darkens Over

    poetry by Robert Bridges  

      The evening darkens over

    After a day so bright,

    The windcapt waves discover

    That wild will be the night.

    There's sound of distant thunder.

    The latest sea-birds hover

    Along the cliff's sheer height;

    As in the memory wander

    Last flutterings of delight,

    White wings lost on the white.

    There's not a ship in sight;

    And as the sun goes under,

    Thick clouds conspire to cover

    The moon that should rise yonder.

    Thou art alone, fond lover

    Unfathomable Sea

    by Percy Bysshe Shelley

    Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years,

    Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe

    Are brackish with the salt of human tears!

    Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow

    Claspest the limits of mortality!.

    And sick of prey, yet howling on for more,

    Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore;

    Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm,

    Who shall put forth on thee,

    Unfathomable Sea?

    both the poems are described vividly about nature, - her varied moods . One speaks about the how the evening gathers slowly the darkness and the other about the unfathomable and  deep sea.

    Both have their romantic style. In Bridges something more than just romanticism is there is known by the last line of the poem :

       Thou art alone, fond lover .

    It is so true that in this whole evening world, the poet says O fond lover , in these solemn moments of the evening thouart with these Nature's children one still alone.

    The second poem of Shelley is more vivid , more woven in images and multiferious images are thrown at the same time all at once without aeven arranging them into a bouquet. As a poem , the second of Shelley is shorter in length and still is more poignant, more percing and truly more poetic. The vision and images of Shelley with all its similes and personification seems almost matchless.

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