I'm a meat eater..I eat meat like it's going out of style. But the guy i'm currently with is vegan...no eggs, milk, meat. He won't even eat Ramon Noodles. Is this going to affect our relationship? I mean, can a meat eater date a vegan, or the other way around? When we first started talking, he said, "I'm vegan..do you have a problem with that?" I didn't. I said, "I eat meat..do you have a problem with that?" and he said, "well... *long pause*...i don't have a problem with it as long as you don't try to get me to eat meat." Of course, I would never do that, but he recently mentioned that he'd like it if i didn't eat meat. What do I do? Stop eating meat for him, even though I love it?
Has anyone else ever had this problem?
Thanks in advance!