
Meat eaters Vs Vegetarians?

by Guest57684  |  earlier

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I'm lactose-intolerant and when I try being veggie I have ZERO energy and I feel hungry constantly.

I didn't start eating meat until I was 14 so I think meat is hard for my body to digest. What should I do?

Are you veggie or have you been in the past? Did it effect your energy levels?




  1. If you plan your meals properly, I believe the energy issue is moot.

    I believe the reason you were feeling low-energy when being a veggie is that you're not eating enough calories.

    What should you do?

    Analyze your diet and see how many calories your eating.  You should be eating about 1600 to 2000 calories depending upon your age and activity level.

  2. The trick is to mix your legumes and grains in such a way as to create a "perfect" protein.

    Beans and rice for example.

    There are LOTS of VERY good websites that will tell you what mixes together and in what ratios to create what you need.

    I had a very similar problem.  Carbs made me tired---even complex carbs---and protein (steak, chicken, fish, eggs, etc.)gave me energy.  

    I don't know if you want to be lacto-ovo veg, or vegan or what, but the easiest is lacto-ovo if you need more protein for energy.

    I do a mix of both and for me, since I need so much protein, I actually feel better off with the legumes and grains than with say, a hunk of cheese.

    Seriously, your problem is common.  I have it too.

    Check out google and look at all the food combos that provide protein.

    You'll feel great!

  3. oh yeh i can so relate to you on this! i was never much of a meat eater except for chicken but the last year i decided to try going vege. i had the same thing as you, felt tired all the time, had no energy was a real nightmare, and i was sooo moody all my friends told me. so not good! many vegeatrians say this is from not planning a good proper intake of food but i did and i still felt c**p. i also started losing hair as well! from low iron even though i was eating other sources of iron. so recently i started adding a bit more red meat into my diet, and i do feel so much better.

    i know red meat has a lot of bad things many say but it is such a good source of iron which gives you good energy, and protein. i eat liver once a week sometimes just to up my iron levels. anyways, i feel good now.

    i would say to you to slowly add meat in. start with white meat as its lighter and easier to digest like flamegrilled skinless chicken and turkey e.t.c then pork possibly if you like it, ajd then if you want have red meat once or twice a week, as it really does have good things about it.

    i muc prefer now ive gone back to meat i have to say. i think you have to have everything in balance and completely cutting out meat and such a good source of preotin is deffiantly not healthy in my eyes.

    good luck

  4. have you really tried vegetarianism for real?

    there's no way one can't have energy with these numbers:

    this is the list of your common veggies and fruits and the protein, minerals, vitamins and other statistics.

    i have more energy now than when i ate garbage and meat, dairy.

    by the way  only fresh fruits and veggies are going to have these elements...     i hear so many eat canned, frozen and packaged/processed.. that may be the reason most vegetarians are not doing so well  with the diet.


  5. if ur body is having a hard time digesting meat and u didnt start eating it until u was 14 i wouldnt eat it at all i have always been the type 2 eat veggies & meat hope this helped  

  6. eat carbs

    they give you energy

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