
Meat right or wrong?

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Meat right or wrong?




  1. I would have to say unethical.

    Thats why I'm a vegetarian.

  2. its wrong!!

    why do you guys want to kill Innocent animals?!?!

    you all are fatheads.

    i rest my case.


  3. This depends on the person.  If you grow up in and follow a culture/religion where eating meat is wrong, then it is wrong for you (Hindu's for example).  If you grow up in or follow a culture/religion where it is allowed, then eat away (and some cultures/religions have restrictions such as most Americans won't eat horsemeat or dogmeat, and Jewish people can only eat meat from the front half of and animal as well as forbidden to eat pork).  

    It also depends on your moral make-up and health.  If you have no health problems and are a healthy person who eats meat in correct portions, then it is right.  If you are like me, where I shouldn't eat that last chicken leg but I do anyway, it is probably wrong.  

    There is no answer that is correct for everyone, only what is correct for you.

  4. it alll depends id like to be a vegitarian  but no one ever tought me about how food was animals when i was little and i grew up liking it. I'm against dolphin, turtle, rabbit, dog and cat and anything along those lines. I'm and animal lover and my grandma has a farm, they have a cow and i know sooner or later my grandpas gunna slotter him. i get wicked attatched to animals so i wouldnt eat that cow or any other cow for a while. I named the cow anabel after anabels wish =)

  5. wrong so wrong we all think cannibalism is wrong why is eating other animals different? you know torture is illegal so why is it all right for us to torture animals?

    watch this

    and this

    still not convinced?

  6. The human digestive system is clearly adapted to consume more meat than many stomachs do you have?

  7. wrong

  8. In itself, niether. What you eat is about your ideas, tastes and preferences. If you don't want to eat meat, then don't. You don't "need" meat to survive. But niether should veg*ns feel the need to be "superior" to others who eat meat. We are what we are; everyone's on their own path. Don't fault a fox for not having a long neck like a giraffe.

  9. There is no wrong about the meat.if it is  not good for you because you are vegetarian or against your religion it might be good for somebody else. A lot of people starving in third world countries.Any meat is a good source of starvation.Any way  meat is a good source of protein.iron and vitamin k.Meat is one of the answer against mal nutrition from the poor countries.

  10. Work's for me, RIGHT!

  11. We can't tell you that.

    Whether or not meat is right or wrong, the new way of raising animals is always wrong. Whether you call it factory farming or "intensive farming" animals are not machines or mere products.

    I can respect the way a hunter treats his/her kill but the only thing to look up to in the situation of Big Business' animal agriculture is the face of Greed.

  12. Not only have we evolved to eat a widely varied diet including both animal and plant products, but eating meat gives life to farm animals. The steer that produced the steak I ate last night would never have lived if people like me weren't there to buy the meat.

    And if you compare the pleasant, well-fed, predator-free, disease-protected life of that steer with the life of an antelope in the wild, you will conclude that you did the steer a favor.

  13. If we can digest it, it's right.

  14. Wrong.

    No one should have to die because they "taste good."

  15. For me its wrong but for others its right so both I guess.

  16. Its a very personal choice, many pros and cons on both sides, but in the end it comes down to your feelings about it...

  17. It isn't a matter of right or wrong. It is a matter of what YOU value and hold dear.

    My opinion doesn't matter, It isn't like I am going to take you into account and monitor your eating habits.

    I can make arguments for both sides of the issue.

    right- Humans have been eating meat for centuries and when not overindulging, it can be healthy. Technically humans are equipped to eat meat. Some people cannot afford to be vegetarian when soy products are soo expensive. (I'm not talking about us in the west)

    wrong- Who are we to kill animals just because we like there taste. We don't "need" to eat meat per say, so there isn't any reason we couldn't consider giving it up. Slaughterhouses are cruel. Many people eat way too much fatty meats and get really unhealthy.

  18. It is right for me and many other people.  If you are too squeamish then I guess it is not right for you.
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