
Mechanic job Profile? (URGENT)!!

by  |  earlier

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For school we are doing something called the Real Game. My job turned out to be a Mechanic and I need to do a job profile - so I figured you guys could help. Now it is due in about 12 hours...and yes I did leave it a bit late but I didn't count on getting rejected by other Mechanics...

So to answer please provide:

Job Title:

Gross Monthly Income (optional):

Education & Experience prior to job, or what was required:

Transferable Skills (i.e. a doctor has the transferable skill of knowing how the body works, etc.):

Annual Holidays:

Hours of Work:

A short description of what your day would be like (i.e. going to work, getting a coffee, working on a car, lunch break, working again, deal with a client, go home, etc.):

Thank you so much - First answer which gives all of these details is best! Thanks in advance




  1. What kind of mechanic?




  2. Technician ... Master Mechanic?..

    Income .. 2K - 6k Depends on various factors, could even be more than 6k...

    Engineering? um, knowing how the the otto cycle works and rotary engines as well.. combustion.. etc etc...  configurations, appliances.. tuning...

    Holidays OFF ,SUNDAYS OFF..

    I arrive to work and prep work area, use gloves, greet 1st cust. find out what he needs, then diagnose car, then give estimate.. order parts, trouble shoot car, then after recieving parts a couple hours later start putting em in, in the mean time u took car appart...

    talk with friends, drink beers, go to lunch, come back finish on other cars, do some oil changes, tune ups, breaks etx.. change tires...

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