
Mechanical Engineer Risk?

by  |  earlier

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I am eye balling the prospect of a future education in the field of mechanical engineering i have done some research and found that the field covers a wide range of possible job from boeing to car manufacture blue print designs. I have another issue the off shoring problem in american society how many mechanical engineers vs other engineers are off shored more? With china and india becoming major players. What type of engineer field would be most stable

civil-low pay (government doesn't pay alot?)

Chemical-(Ph.D before amounting to anything)

Electrical(wide boom of engineers crammed jobs spot)

Physical (mainly the same as mechanical)

what are engineer field are out there that are relativly safe in the long run and any site where i can gather info on these engineer fields? (tried wiki and read all about it already)




  1. the only pieces of engineering that can be "off shored" are the lowest level things.  You can't approve engineered systems without holding a US PE, no Bombay engineer can do that.  In Bombay they can do drawings, fill out reports or engineering requests.

    Real life answers to your posts.

    Civiltypicallyly low pay for the average to below average, good pay for exceptional.

    ChemE, a PhD will earn less than a BS, why, because we need workers, in the field that can do, PhD can not do, all they can do is think about problems, not solve them.  A Chem E is second to e PetE in potential earnings.

    Electrical, varies, computer geeks are becoming a dime a dozen, we need true power engineers, so they are on the rise.

    Mechanical engineers arversatilele, they won't earn as much as a specialized like ChemE or EE, but they will do well.

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