
Mechanics please-how much should this cost?

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''nearside front constant velocity joint gaiter insecurely mounted to its housing''

''offside front constant velocity joint gaiter insecurely mounted to its housing''

''offside side repeater insecure''

i dont want to be ripped off- i have NO CLUE about cars!




  1. are you repairing an airplane or something? I've never ever in my life heard that terminology used with cars...

  2. As long as the gaiters only need re clipping and not removing!! All three jobs, even if repeater req new lamp, I would have thought should be rectified for under £50 ( an hours labour plus parts ) Depends where you take it main dealer will charge you double that!!  

  3. Never heard such bad answers in my life - £40 is fine, most garages charge around £75 per hour with the minimum of one hour charge. The faults are simple, but £40 is very reasonable - and for those who don't know, council run MOT stations are recommended universally as they have no interest in ripping you off - they won't do anything other than very minor repairs such as this.

  4. tell them you want to be shown what they are going to do and you want it in laymans terms

  5. You ARE, repeat ARE being ripped off, Take the car elsewhere and have it rechecked. DONT fall for their cons.

  6. what car is it?

    thats bs! i would say thats about rite! any garage you go to they are gunna charge you a minimum of an hours labour! especially if its the council! they cant do cheapys!

  7. At the most one hour labour and 2 gaiter clips (2 quid) but in reality 5 minutes labour and 20 pence

  8. In english- they are just tightening up bolts(my guess 6) and clamps(1 or  2)....and adding a  s***w to hold down the flasher bulb on the side of the car.

  9. £40 is a good price.i dont think youll get cheaper than that

  10. Why on earth do you not do the repair yourself ? Remove the old clip and replace it with a cable tie. OR buy new metal clips and squeeze them on with Mole grips. The offside repeater, either replace or use a drop of superglue. If you cannot do it, then £40 will be well spent.

  11. Depends what they mean by insecure.....normally they are not held on very securely anyway - a cable tie is used - so if that is the case - it is simply a case of fitting a new cable tie or clip around each one. 5 min job - can do it yourself or get someone with half an ounce of common sense to do it for you.

    Offside repeater light - again - probably just a loose s***w or the like.

    No more than 5 mins to refit.

    £20 the lot from a local garage.

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