
Medala pump in style question?

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i just bought this expensive double electric breast pump from babies r us and im just wondering if anyone else has positive or negative things to say about it... im new to the whole being a mom thing and any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated!





  1. my sister had gotten me one with my first son and i had given it to aFriendd now i so regret it I just had my second and have to buy a new one now but its the best brand and it BPA free  

  2. I have the Medela Pump in Style Advanced and it's been worth the money.  I used it from when my son was 3 months until 13 months.  At first, I was pumping 3 times a day on the 3 days that I work, and then tapered down.  The only complaint is that the fabric shows stains from spilled milk!  I bet that most of them do, but something a little more stain resistant would have been nice.  The operation of the pump is great and I've used the Medela bottles that came with it for feeding.  (I do prefer the Lansinoh bags for milk storage to the Medela ones, though.  The double zipper is a great feature.)

    If you haven't opened it yet, you should also know that there is a new hands-free Medela model out now.  It has a battery pack that you can clip on and some attachments that help the breast shields stay in place.  It's called the FreeStyle.

  3. I have this pump...I love it! I've been told it's on of the best!

  4. I have their double pump; have had it since my youngest was a baby (she will be 7 in October).  I loved it so much I made it a point to keep it, even though I knew we wouldn't have another child for several years...and am I ever glad I did, because 1) I won't have to buy another one that I might not like as much and 2) my baby is due in March so that's one less thing I have to buy!!  LOL  It is quite easy to use and quieter than other pumps on the market.  I LOVE IT!!  After using it, I would never go back to a single electric one; and the battery or manual ones aren't worth consideration.

  5. Love it. It saves so much time to pump both sides at once, and the manual says you only really need to pump for about 12-15 minutes. Tip (it you weren't aware already): you can pump hands free by placing the spout inside your nursing bra and then doing up the hook.  pump while eating breakfast in the morning.

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