
Medi-Cal Insurance Coverage??? Will my Operation be covered???

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Will Medi-Cal cover a breast reduction if the reduction is to reduce problems with my back? I make less than 15000 a year married with a single income, and am in absolute agony because of the strain these stupid things put on my back...I need them to be smaller, but unless Medi-Cal will pay for it, I can't get it done...




  1. pls satisfied of what u are...

  2. Yes it can.

    38J to 38C Feb 2006

  3. Procedures that are considered medically necessary would be covered. Have your doctor certify that your condition is a health condition and not a cosmetic issue. The physician should be able to get a pre-approval from MediCal

  4. Yes, they will pay for it but it may take some time and fighting with them. I went through the exact same thing, my insurance denied it, I filed appeal after appeal, finally got it paid for (less my deductible and co-pays) but it took a year! You have to make sure your doctor and every other form you send them says "reconstructive" surgery, not "cosmetic." Insurances pay for reconstruction surgeries and extremely large b*****s are considered a birth defect if you will. Keep trying and you will get this. It was the best thing I've ever done and I'm so glad I kept fighting after they had denied it.

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