
Media Manipulation you agree?

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Media Manipulation you agree?




  1. there has always been, and always will be, media manipulation.  from emperors giving speeches, to our presidents and fbi and cia and all of those organizations keeping us from divulging information although it violates our freedom of speech.  i dont think divulging information that is going to get somebody hurt is right, like troop movements and stuff.  but i also think that its wrong to violate the constitution.  there is media manipulation of celebrities, political figures, events, wars, everything we see on telvision has most likely been spun at least slightly to be more positive or negative tahn it really is.  so we cant accept things at face value and just flat out trust what we see on television.

  2. There are numerous books on this.  Yes, the media manipulates and implants needs to sell products.  They do this through playing on our emotional fears by implanting inadequacy.

  3. Absolutely....

    I could understand when the leaders of a nation choose specific information to be kept confidential knowing that it can harm the nation once it is made public. I see that as a way of protecting our freedom.

    But should I really believe that the goal is to protect the interests of the nation? or is it just to protect the personal interests of the leaders who rule the nation?

    Politicians have the power to manipulate, cover or uncover almost everything, but the worst of all is that we let them get away with it, we let them manipulate us and they use the media to do it. Though not all of them do it.

    Those manipulating the media can make us forget, they can keep our minds diverted, they can make us change the way we think, they can indoctrinate us.

    Is it or is it not true that it has become easier for us to agree with the media, rather than taking the time to make our own evaluation?

  4. Absolutely, the media has a point of view, and they sell that point of view every chance they get.

      They manipulate public opinion all the time, and they always have.  Look at William Randolph Hearst...who more than anyone else started the Spanish American War...or Walter Cronkite, who changed the course of the Viet Nam War.  Other countries are far worse than the US in this matter.  Who do you think scuttled Hillary's campaign?

       People create their own reality everyday, and this creation is based on experience, and the information that they have available to them...the Media manipulates this information.

  5. yes I agree and in the good old days we just called it propaganda.

  6.'s all sociological. The media, the news, everything is driven to make us react or act in a certain manner in our society.

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