
Media/Media Studies A-Level?!?

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Right so I've gotta choose a new a-level subject soon and I wanted to choose either media or media studies but I can't remember which as I lost the info book =[

I know that the course I was looking at had 100% coursework - any ideas anyone?




  1. i would have assumed both A levels were similar, if not the same. I cannot help you much for comparison but the course seems quite interesting and would help if you were looking into advertising, marketing, PR, etc. Are you planning to go to university? Sometimes unis have a preference as to which subjects would be more suited to a particular course, have a look on there websites for entry requirements if you like. I know of A level media studies and it covers a wide range of aspects, to analyse media and to produce it, such as films, posters, etc. select an A level you enjoy. hope it helped, good luck.

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