
Media Question: "Girl Reporters" have the intellectual agility of a small soap dish when commenting on F1

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Media Question: "Girl Reporters" have the intellectual agility of a small soap dish when commenting on F1




  1. Amen.

  2. I am reporting you for insulting the intellectual agility of the small soap dish!

  3. That's a statement not a Q but that aside, I thought they just did the interviews and didn't actually "Commentate" as  such!

  4. That's just about tolerable.

    Can you imagine commenting on football?


    It can get worse.

    How about economy?

  5. Agreed. He/she/it is in fact about as intellectual as the bacteria on a scummy soap dish. No, hang on bacteria are more intelligent.

    Watch it though, she might target you now.

    Edit: Elric we've had a visit from out old friend Reporter Girl!!! she did answer this question earlier, but guess what, she got reported lmao

  6. How True! I'd rather just listen to the sound of the F1 engine than listen to their dumb out of the topics girl talk!

  7. A breakdown on the mentality of mentioned F1 girl reporter,

    20% boredom

    15% juvinile stupidity

    60% Riccardo Rosset

    5% less ability at asking F1 questions than my avatar picture.

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