
Media & WMD ?

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How easy it is indeed to make lies and falsehood mixed with a little truth appear to be the whole and ONLY truth. Unfortunately, this is ever more common among media. The mind reacts to each and every information received through different senses even though it may be passive.

eg. You watch CNN 'Your World Today' - which implies WE control the way you MUST see the world not how it actually is.

Disguised Entertainment: The real motive behind 'Iron Man' was to send the subconscious message across in an acceptable manner that yes some mindless cavemen can assemble superior technological weapons to attack from a cave since it troubles the sensible mind.

Over the years the media had and has even better potential to subconsciously infiltrate the minds of people worldwide on the command of a hidden 'concentrated power'.

Lies appear as truth and the world will believe in ignorance or otherwise.

Is Media The Ideological Weapon of Mass Destruction that will continue to fuel war over war




  1. I couldn't agree with you more. Mainstream media is definitely a Weapon of Mass Deception.

  2. News And Jobs-
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