
Media biased.............?

by  |  earlier

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Eleven out of thirteen respondents to a recent question I asked, said that the media is biased and bigoted. How do you feel about this issue? If this is true, then what chances do the Presidential candidates have? Will intelligent people vote their choice, or the choice of the bigoted and biased media? The media is guilty of, what is their agenda in slanting the news their own selfish way? What ought we do about this travesty?




  1. "If this is true"...

    man I feel so sorry for Americans!

  2. There are certain professions in the United States that just beg to be trashed and by comparison the media makes used car salesmen look respectable.

  3. The pen is mightier than the sword and a photo better than a thousand words.Confusion is the goal.

  4. The media is in the tank for the democrats. The media is liberal and they love the far left dems. There is some fall out because of this. NBC and MSNBC are at the bottom of the ratings for news shows. Fox has soared to the top because their reporting is fair. The media has stepped out of the role of journalism and decided to scam the american people by swaying their vote. Fortunately, the voters can see the obvious bias and will use their own intelligence to decide at the polls. (most voters that is, some seem to be hypotized). The best way to fight back is not to watch the news shows that show bias. It would be even better not to buy the products advertised on these shows, or complain to the advertisers so they dont use those news shows. When it hits them in the pocket book, they will get the message.

  5. I've lost count of how many attack news articles have come out against Palin's family while there is sill nothing about Biden's son being indicted, or no further investigation into Obama's ties to terrorists.  Interesting how the love life of a 17-year old seems to be a more important issue when it comes to who leads our country.

    This latest travesty demonstrates just how bad it has gotten.  Unfortunately, because of the biased slant in our education system, people in America today are too stupid or too lazy to go look for the facts on their own, or to get a different opinion.  Therefore, the Liberals have pretty much cornered the market regarding control of information (call it a voluntary form of censorship).  They will seal the deal if Obama is elected and the "Fairness Doctrine" used to take talk radio off the air.  

    That will probably be followed by some form of monitoring or censorship of the internet.

    Controlling information (mandated or voluntary( is the best way to suppress a people.  This lesson was taught by the Communists and the n**i's.

    The media's motivation is power.  By siding with the Democrats, it's like they've become lobby-ists without having to shell out lots of money on the Capital steps.  It's an unholy alliance.

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