
Media independance...?

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can someone help me regard to Media independance from owners, revenue generators and politicians and also show the media's ability to report objectively.

The first example is NEWS CORPORATION, run by Rupert Murdoch. What can i use as a second example? (BBC, ITV, Channel 4?)

How are the media independant from News corp? Or even the 2nd example (Can someone give me a 2nd example)





  1. Any media organisation which relies on advertising for revenue cannot be 'editorially unbiased', for three reasons.

    1.  The owner will have their own allegiances and bias.

    2.  The advertisers will only go with those Newspapers / TV stations etc. who follow the aims and beliefs of their own organisation.

    3.  The sole purpose of Newspapers and Commercial TV Stations is to 'sell' advertising, not report unbiased news.

    Second example? yes the BBC is most likely your best bet.

    See this link for the BBC Charter, it guarantees the 'Editorial Independence' of the BBC.

  2. You may want to consider a newspaper such as the Independent which has a reputation for editorial independence and no particular allegiance to any one particular political point of view.
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