
Medicaid during pregnancy only - does my husband have to...?

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I am getting medicaid through my pregnancy only, and they sent a letter stating they needed us to bring in birth certificates and drivers licenses. I was wondering if my husband had to do this since it's not covering him? We don't have a copy of his birth certificate and it will be really difficult for us to get one in time since he was born in another state and Medicaid needs the documents in 2 weeks.

Does anyone know if he'll have to have his too or if it's just for me? Thanks!




  1. yes, because they are counting him in the household and they ask for birthcertificates now to ensure  legal status as in if your either a US  citz or a perm res vice versa. Usually its for everyone in the houshold. YOu can attempt to have it mailed and notify them that this what is going on but be aware that if you dont get it in a timely matter they can deny you at that time due to insufficent information.  Some offices can assist in getting it as well if yo utell them where he was born.  

  2. This may be a state requirement. There are minimum federal laws that HAVE to be followed for Medicaid; however, there are also laws a state can impose.

    In my state only the people being covered need to present documentation; the letter I've seen specifically says to present documentation of all parties seeking coverage.

    You'll probably need to call them.

  3. I don't know, but I would bring all the papers that you can think of...or else if they need more, they will delay the decision until they get all the papers that they need.

  4. Yes you have to have your husbands info as well. Did he go to school at any time where you live now? If he did you can get a copy of it at the school. If not it's not that hard to get one. You can do it over the phone. You call the courthouse in the county he was born and they will direct you to who you need to call. It will be a fee of probably around $10-15 dollars. I know it is a lot if you are broke, but it is better than losing your medicaid if you really need it. If you take all of your other information in tell your caseworker that you have applied for the birth certificate and are waiting for it to be mailed if that is the case and they will work with you.  Good Luck and I hope that this helps.


  5. You can call them and explain the situation, but when I got on medicaid they want all my info & documents and all of my husband's info and documents. And anyone else's that was living under our roof, whether we were related or not. But thankfully it was just me and my husband living together.  

  6. Yes, if they asked for it they WILL need it. I am on medicaid also and i thought it was strange that they asked me for all of my baby's fathers information even tho he's not on it. What they told me it's because he brings some sort of income in the house. So they need his information.

  7. They just need yours not his

  8. I don't remember having to have my husbands but it seems like so long ago that I cannot remember.I would just call up your local health department and ask someone if you need it.I mean ask soemone in the medicaid/wic dept.They actually would know for sure.

  9. well i dont know for sure - but yes, i think he needs to take his stuff in also since you two are married and since they most likely used his information/income etc to fill out your application also. If uncertain... just call. But YES I think he needs to take his stuff in even though it just covers you and the baby.

  10. I only had to do it on me because you are right it is not covering him just you.If you are worried call the number and ask them, they will answer any questions you have on information to bring with you.

    I was able to do everything on line and faxed it to them.

  11. Because you are married and I assume living in the same household, they require info from both of you.  I was in the same position when I was pregnant and was not married, but they required info from my boyfriend because he lived in the same household.  Best of luck!

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