
Medicaid for my baby?

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I live in Georgia and am 21 and currently pregnant. My parents live in Montanta and somehow got me on their insurance, but when my baby is born she will have to be on medicaid. Only until I can find a job that offers insurance. I work 2 part time jobs for two seperate doctors. It sucks, but it gets the bills paid and gives me experiance. My concern is that my boyfriend and I live together, and of course he will be helping to support us, but does that mean that medicaid will be denied?

He has insurance with his job, but it would be about 400 dollars a month just to add a dependent. We really can not afford that. His income is much larger then mine. Do you think they will deney coverage? Anybody had this issue?




  1. Medicaid for your baby, would be under the state children's health insurance plan - they have MUCH more lenient income guidelines.

    He could always marry you, and add you BOTH on.  That would be the right thing to do . . . but you probably already know that.

    The taxpayer in general, gets angry and frustrated at having to pay expenses for babies, and the pregnant unmarried mamas, who don't get married for the sole purpose of letting the TAXPAYER support them, instead of the father.

  2. Since he's the childs father, they will take his income into consideration.

    You will probably be best to find insurance for the baby directly through a health insurance company. It won't be nearly $400! Try They go through all the major insurance companies and you should find something in your price range there.

  3. Please do not take this the wrong way! (because I too had my son early) But why are you trying so hard to live off the system?  Why not just opt for Blue Cross/ Blue Sheild, Kaiser, what ever you can find for the baby?  It is what responsible adults do that find themselves pregnant before they are ready.   That is what we did, sure it was about $130 a month, but if you work 2 jobs and he works than you need to make it work, you chose to get pregnant, you chose to decide that you can raise the baby, so you have to make it work.  What's next? You will ask for free child care, free formula and better benifits or better yet welfare. I am all for programs that help families in need, but they should be reserved for just that, when times hit hard, like a father of 3 losing his job to the plant closing, or a teacher getting laid off, or a mom that has cancer nad her insurance drops her.

    Why are your parents paying your insurance?  You say they "somehow" got you on there, not without lying... Which means your parents are also cheating the system.

    I was a social worker for many years, and it pains me when people just want the easy way out, because those same services are being turned away from a mom who just left an abusive husband.

    You will need to change your lifestyle, eat rice and beans, raman noodles, I know people who sell their cars, or clean houses on the side just to get by.  You will need to do eveything it takes to support that baby so the taxpayers of GA dont have to. Have him claim the baby, he can do that without marrying you and put the baby on the insurance, he can get a 2nd job, this is what people are doing all acrossed the country, welcome to the real world. It is not pleasant, but this is the way it is. Not to compare you to me, but my husband works 2 jobs, I work full time (and yes I used to work 2 part time jobs too) it is all the difference of taking responsibiltiy.. Do you know your parents can be charged for fraud? If you sign your name and social security # on a claim, you too can be charged?   I dont even apply for free lunch for my kids, because I do not want them to investigate my earnings.. But can I afford it? No... I drive a small, old car, my roof leaks, and I shop at Payless for shoes, But I am teaching my kids how to respect the system, in which you are cheating , thank you.

  4. probably, Because they will look at his income and figure that since he makes more than you, they will go by his and yours income.

  5. I cannot speak to the Medicaid requirements of your state, however, here in PA there are different categories that you can fall into.

    There is the standard Medicaid that you qualify for based on income.  There is a low cost option if you make too much money and there are programs that will assist you in paying your insurance premiums if the cost is financially burdensome.

    You will need to go the your local assistance office and ask some questions.  You cannot apply for coverage for a baby that hasnt been born yet, however.

    In PA, if you and the father are unmarried and you apply for benefits, you must file for child support (regardless if he lives with you or not).  I dont know if this is the case in your state, however, that would be an important question to ask.

    Finally, in PA, all children must be covered either through private insurance or medicaid and will never be denied coverage.  They may, however, be limited in what coverages they receive based on income of the parents.

  6. first of all congrats--(kids are expensive) but well worth it ----  i would call them and ask--- if you are coverd under a insurance policy as soon as the baby is born the baby is as well you just need to send the babys certificate of birth to the CO--- IT will be ok ---
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