Ok, I am freakin out pretty bad right now. I am 8 weeks pregnant with no health insurance, and just got denied by Medicaid in Florida, because I make too much money! BTW, I make $14 an hour, and bring home $415 a week. Which is HARDLY well off, especially in my county where the cheapest rent I could find is 1,000 a month. But obviously the state of Florida thinks I make way too much money to need help with prenatal care and delivery. I guess they would rather you quit your job when you get pregnant instead of trying to be a contribution to society... Grrrr...Anyway, all I qualify for is "Medically Needy" which means I have to pay at least $2207 a month in medical bills before I get help (and how could I possibley do that when I dont even bring home that much??). Obviously that will be no help except maybe for the labor itself.... Does anyone know of any programs in Florida that I may qualify for, or insurance policies I could purchase that would help cover a preexisting pregnany?