
Medicaid obgyns?

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I am on Medicaid in Indiana and I was wondering how you find OBGYNs that accept medicaid and how you make sure they accept you. Thanks!




  1. You're just going to have to do a LOT of calling around. Most ob/gyns accept medicaid, but they have a limit of how many they will see at one time. Most of them are at their limit. Its because health insurance is so outrageous that nobody can afford it, so pregnant women have to get on medicaid. Then medicaid reimburses the dr. very little. If all they saw was medicaid patients not only would they not make any money, but they would actually lose money. But I assure you, there is one out there with your name on it! Just spend all day tomorrow calling and you will find one. Good luck! If you can't find one, maybe your caseworker at family services can fix you up with one.

  2. You should be able to get a list from the number on the back of your Medicaid card.
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