
Medical Abortion? Abortion Pill?

by Guest32069  |  earlier

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I was wondering what you experienced before, during, and after medical abortion (the RU486 pill)? Whats the process? Any long-term (a few weeks to months) complications/problems/feelings/etc?

How long should someone take off after the procedure? Any extra help would be appreciated.

My cousin recently found out she was pregnant (4 weeks). Please, no mean comments. Its really pointless. She needs comforting for this decision.


Also, how big is the pill in comparison to an aspirin? She has trouble swallowing pills and usually cuts them into smaller pieces or crushes them. Will they allow her to do that?




  1. I have never used this, but this site (under sources) lists all the side effects that are possible as well as percentages of people who experienced them. I also read that she needs about 2 weeks.  

  2. Haven't taken it myself but read on a forum someone saying it gave them alot of cramping. You should look at the forums they have alot of good info as does sisterzeus.

  3. I am sorry but abortion isn't a woman's right.A woman shouldn't have a right to kill another human being.I am not being mean.Your cousin is gonna regret killing a baby in the future.

  4. no mean comments, its really pointless? Having s*x is really pointless if your not gonna be an need some comforting?? hmm...well no form of death is painless.

    HER BC failed?? did her "close my legs button" fail too?

    LMFAO! woah what is up with the name calling?? I haven't called you one name, but I can't understand why your getting so defensive especially when not having s*x at ALL is 100% effective

    Under 14? no I'm 26 years old, I have MY Baby I gave her life, it wasn't MY CHOICE to take her out. Grow up

  5. I don't know, when I got pregnant I wasnt ready to be a mom, but there was no way I could do that to her, all I did was think about the tiny baby's hands and feet and thought of what she would become and I just couldnt even though it did cross my mind when I found out I was pregnant.

  6. It's too late for the RU486 pill.  It's generally considered a morning after product.  

    No matter what decision she makes, it's life altering, and she needs support.  To me, the best thing would be to go through with the pregnancy, and place the child for adoption.  This way, she's not killing an unborn child, and she can have an open adoption, where she can continue to love the child, and have contact.  There are so many people like myself, that wish to adopt.  Abortion can affect her future fertility, so if she does go through with it, at least go to a reputable doctor.  Her emotions after will be similar to post partum blues, because of the hormones, and the combined guilt that many women associate with abortion.  

  7. In response to all of you arguing about whether or not abortion is ethical, let me explain once and for all why you people can't resolve this issue:

    You foolishly believe that one side of the argument is the correct side, and it doesn't matter whichside you believe that it is, because you're ALL in the wrong. Yes, abortion may be equivalent to murder, but, to exactly the same degree, forcing a woman to carry a pregnancy to term is equivalent to slavery. Therefore BOTH SIDES ARE WRONG! and there is NO CORRECT AND MORAL ANSWER, ON EITHER SIDE.  

  8. She'll feel like **** for at least a couple of weeks. Psychologically and physicaly. 2 weeks should be enough.

    Give her lots of hugs. It's a difficult decision to make.

  9. i agree with do209

    abortion is entirely wrong

    do people really stay in relationships that long without having s*x, yes!

    long term problems are that she could have internal injuries if she has a medical procedure performed

    she will have psychological problems too...well over half of women who have abortions deeply regret their decision and seek counseling

    having an abortion is a traumatizing thing and I'm really sorry that she is in this situation but I really really hope she reconsiders

  10. Have her call or make an appointment at her local Planned Parenthood office, and they can talk to her about her options, tell her what to expect, and answer any questions she may have.

  11. My friend JUST did this. The pill was not that big, but there are four more pills you have to insert into the v****a 6-72 hrs after taking the RU486. Those 4 pills are calle misprotol (SP??) She starting bleeding 4 hrs after inserting the ones inside her. The blood clots u pass can be as large as lemons. She said the way it felt coming out was horrible. Most women expel the pregnancy within 24 hrs and bleeding can last a few weeks. Normal activity can be resumed within a day just no heavy lifting. If she does go this route the Dr. will give her paperwork with all the info she needs to know. Oh & after u insert the ones in the v****a you have to stay laying down for 2 hrs b/c its possible they could come back out and u have to put them back in.  

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