
Medical Aid Scheme Jhb South Africa? -2008?

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My husband is going to do contract work over in Jhb until next April.

I have heard that most schemes will not pay out for the first three months of joining - is this correct? Does anyone know of a medical scheme there that pays out immediately on joining?

or would it be wise to take out travel/medical cover here in UK before leaving?

Your advice would be appreciated.




  1. If your husband is working for a reputable company, they should offer medical cover for the first three months until his medical aid comes into working. If not, I would suggest that he has this written into his contract before departing. Many medical aids will pay for hospitalization and medical treatment but only in certain circumstances. Perhaps your husband should discuss this with his new employer.

  2. this is very true - if you have not been on a medical aid for more then 90 days then you have a waiting period where they do not cover any expenses for 3 months and if you have they will cover you for emergencies only. I have just changed medical aid companies and I was able to go straight onto the plan I wanted as it was one of the companies lower options. I would recommend taking out travel insurance as you are not going to be here for too long. Our national health system in this country is one you don't want to test out!

  3. Make sure you do sort that out, as like the answer above has said, the health service in South Africa is a disgrace. I was a Trauma Nurse in one of these hospitals for 12 years before I finally burnt-out. We used to call it the hospital of death as things were that bad.

    Now living and working in Australia - its fantastic!!!

    However, I do miss Jo'burg and I just hope my old home-town treats you well. All the best, Dom

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