
Medical - Collections

by  |  earlier

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  1. the problem has been they have cort red handed romein and romein doing this to all their tenants in all properties they let out,and they also have been court raming people threw cgu on workers comp on the work effics sceme,as ploy to stop us returning to fully signed over deals and full work placement and ive lost 9 yaers of contracted jobs and threw major companies emi sony,bmg,amongst others , and 120 contracts in total they have destroyed and stoped me and my comany from completing,and with full medical backing showing the appaent need for full time work as session musician and 14 hour rejime,with full endorsements and the loss of all i owned due to it and being left wiyh no way of starting again,and no money means no medical no life

  2. im not in debt they broke into my house/studio and destroyed all i own and stole id and banking taxation ,chilsupport info and have prooven it witth finger prints and dna and fluid tests,amongst the the gear being fake replacements that dont match main specs,swap and drop thing no tools no work,full insurence endorsements and full refit policy ignored
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