
Medical Marijuana Caregiver Question?

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First off correct me if anything I am saying is incorrect...

I understand that if I am a authorized caregiver I can grow up to 6 mature plants for a patient.

Is it possible to be an authorized caregiver for more then one person? I have a close friend who lacks the skills involved in growing, however I am already at the 6 plant max. If so would I be able to have more plants, like 12 mature?

I tried reading through SB420 to answer this but all I got was a headache.




  1. Yes, you have to sign an agreement between you and the patients stating that you are their caregiver.

    The doctors office I went to prepared all the paperwork for us and they were great, but you'd have to see their doctor to get a reccomendation first.  Their number is 213-765-9719

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