Just got hubby out of Hospital. He was diagnosed with MRSA Staph. Had procedure to remove poison in MRI scanner, then attached drain tube and bag.
For a week, nothing was draining, but hubby got swollen from needle with sleve left on. Took pictures. After a week, they did procedure again by another doctor. When he took out first needle, everything that was being held in for a week, drained out on the floor.
Second procedure done correctly and out of hosp. in 2 days. Sent home with RX for 12 days antibiotics by mouth. Went to regular doctor within 5 days. Changed bandage and given 1 month extension on antiobotics.
Yesterday, tube removed by 2nd doctor.Told to take antibiotics, 5 more days.
He doesn't have insurance and does not qualify for financial assistance since I am self-employed.Should I get a lawyer, or try to work with hospital bill over $92,000. He will need follow-up with the hospital. Don't want to get on their bad side.