
Medical Records online.?

by Guest32537  |  earlier

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What if any internet site would be the safest place to keep medical records online? Does Apple/Mac have such a site?




  1. Very dicey proposition. Is there a reason you'd like to share something so personal with complete strangers? Given the ability of hackers to grab personal information, twist it and use it to destroy someone's reputation, are you willing to risk that? I'd think that if the medical records were important to your research, a nice fireproof box kept in a safe place would be much safer all the way around.

  2. None. What one man can build, another can break. If they were on-line, someone might be able to hack into them. If they aren't, no one can.

  3. I dont think anything on the internet is safe. Something that personal shouldnt be anywhere that its so easy to access.

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