
Medical abortion still bleeding?

by  |  earlier

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I'm asking another question,after the responses to this one I just read I'm still bleeding after 23 days and getting worried,I passed huge clots the first few days then lighter bleeding going brown for 2 weeks or so I thought it was stopping Now I've had heavy bleeding clots again,though small ones I feel like I'm dying,could it just be a period as I normally bleed every 21 days,went to my GP she did'nt seem to bothered as its not foul smelling I just want it to stop anyone else been this long I really don't want to go back and have a DC scrape




  1. im experiencing on and off spotting after my abortion 5 days clots then on and off spotting now.....i dont experience any cramps... im just waiting for my nxt normal period..coz i realy feel okey..

  2. I have been bleeding for 21 days following medical abortion. The first few days were really heavy as expected and then everything eased off, about 12 days after I started bleeding heavy again.

    I thought I may have an infection so went to my doctor and got anti biotics. It is common to bleed for lengthy periods after a medical abortion. I know it is not comfortable but it is your bodies way of passing all it needs too, we are all different so some 'lucky' people only bleed for a few days and for others it seems to last a life time.

    I do feel sorry for you, I know whats its like and how you just want to get on with normal life but cant as your mind is always wondering if your ok.. I am going to wait now for two more weeks and see how things are then. I am not too up for getting a D and C, and am hoping my body can naturally pass all without any more intevention.

    Heres to hoping!

    Stay strong and remember its not just you thats going through this, women all over the world are right now, including me!! :0(

  3. I have been bleeding for 21 days following medical abortion. The first few days were really heavy as expected and then everything eased off, about 12 days after I started bleeding heavy again.

    I thought I may have an infection so went to my doctor and got anti biotics. It is common to bleed for lengthy periods after a medical abortion. I know it is not comfortable but it is your bodies way of passing all it needs too, we are all different so some 'lucky' people only bleed for a few days and for others it seems to last a life time.

    I do feel sorry for you, I know whats its like and how you just want to get on with normal life but cant as your mind is always wondering if your ok.. I am going to wait now for two more weeks and see how things are then. I am not too up for getting a D and C, and am hoping my body can naturally pass all without any more intevention.

    Heres to hoping!

    Stay strong and remember its not just you thats going through this, women all over the world are right now, including me!! :0(

  4. I have been bleeding for 21 days following medical abortion. The first few days were really heavy as expected and then everything eased off, about 12 days after I started bleeding heavy again.

    I thought I may have an infection so went to my doctor and got anti biotics. It is common to bleed for lengthy periods after a medical abortion. I know it is not comfortable but it is your bodies way of passing all it needs too, we are all different so some 'lucky' people only bleed for a few days and for others it seems to last a life time.

    I do feel sorry for you, I know whats its like and how you just want to get on with normal life but cant as your mind is always wondering if your ok.. I am going to wait now for two more weeks and see how things are then. I am not too up for getting a D and C, and am hoping my body can naturally pass all without any more intevention.

    Heres to hoping!

    Stay strong and remember its not just you thats going through this, women all over the world are right now, including me!! :0(

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