
Medical acronyms - What does CPA stand for? - Plus, please read below.....?

by Guest63369  |  earlier

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On an X-RAY request form, I have the following acronyms, and I am unable to find their meanings. I've searched websites such as 'netdoctor' and 'NHS jargon buster' etc.

Does anyone with medical knowledge know what any of these mean?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In "Examination requested"

" PA " " CXR " - (could also be " CAR ", " CKR " or " C&R " - the Doctor's writing is almost illegible!!)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In "Clinical Details and Diagnosis"


" ? CPA not clear on previous CXR " (or CKR, C&R etc) - (obviously, ? - means 'query' - but what does CPA mean?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have my own ideas of what these might mean (I previously worked in OT) but would be interested in other professional interpretations - I'm not a doctor, So please don't bawl me out for not knowing!




  1. PA CXR: means a chest x-ray taken in the Anterior-Posterior plane, ie Shoot the x-ray from the back, film placed in front of chest, which is the "standard" chest x-ray

    SOBE: means Shortness of Breath on Exertion,

    CPA: means costophrenic angle, which is an angle seen on a chest x-ray formed between the the diaphragm and ribs on either side of the chest, normally this is seen as a sharp well demarcated angle, any haziness or opacity could point to a possible problem, mass, pneumonia, fluid, etc....  

    hope that helps. and good luck.

  2. CPA ~ Cerebello-Pontine Angle, Costophrenic Angle

    PA ~ Pernicious Anemia. Posterior-Anterior (x-ray technique),  Pulmonary Artery

    CXR ~ Chest X-Ray

    SOBOE ~ Short Of Breath On Exertion  

  3. Cardiopulmonary angiogram ?  

  4. It is Certified Physicians Assistant

  5. certified public accounting

  6. PA CXR: means the location of chest x-ray(Posterior anterior Chest X-Ray)

    SOBOE: means shortness of breath on exertion.

    Not sure about the rest I haven't heard of CPA don't know sorry but hope some helped.

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