
Medical advice?? i posted this before but need to add on some details now because of the answers i got.?

by  |  earlier

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on monday i finished my packet of contrac eptive pill...i think the last time i has s*x was sun or mon(cant be sure). on tuesday i went for general anesthetic..when asked about regualar medication i said no as i thought they meant other medication not the pill....i hae not started my period yet and was wondering if the anesthetic will have caused this to stop working? whats the chance of pregnancy? worried sick now!




  1. If you have just had an operation this may well have affected your periods, any trauma to the body can do this. The chances of pregnancy are low as it was not near a time of ovulation. The anesthetic will not reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive pill.  

  2. if  you were on your 7 day break and had an op it  wont have caused you to suddenly get pregnant you are protected even in 7 days 'off' the pill free week, the dr needs to know if you take meds ie you maybe had anticoagulants and so need specialist care post operatively and also the Pill does cause clots in some cases women are advised to stop taking it up to 6 weeks before a general anaesthetic but you are here and  so you are obviously ok .  Only if you were off your pill for more than 7 days break and had s*x without beginning a new pack again, could you conceive. keep taking it as normal! certain pill brands mean  you dont even bleed on the 7 day break, i dont any more. but im not pregnant !

    it is not a true' period' you start unless you meant to say you stopped taking the pill completely and had s*x with no contraception at all over a week later, then that means you are likely to be pregnant but 'absent pill break bleed' doesn't mean you are pregnant. id say,you are just stressed.

    take care

  3. i don't believe you are pregn!   i no that any time i take meds or anything like that it effects my period by a week or just spot that week  but i would  take a test b4 you start the new  pack  to be sure  

  4. The anaesthetic will not affect your pill efficacy and you should continue to take it in the normal 21 on 7 off way. There are concerns about the pill and the inevitable periods of immobility when you are anaesthetised. This increases the clot risk, and women are often advised to stop the pill when having a G.A.

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