I would appreciate some medical advice as I am rather worried and don't know what to do. I am 30 years old. About 10 months ago I experienced some bllod in my s***n and naturally went straight to the doctors. Apparently this is not uncommon and it cleared up after a few weeks. During this time I had a urine test (not sure what for), which was said to be fine, and a manual inspection of my prostate which was also fine. Occasionally since I have felt a bit of discomfort (though never pain) around my prostate region. 99% I haven't had this,but occasionally it will come back for a couple of days every few months. I am now a little worried as it has been there for a couple of weeks. I have no problems urinating, or increase in passining urine or erection problems and there has never been blood again. Is it worth going back to the doctors? Would it be wasting his/her time? What would people recommend?