
Medical assistance school?

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How hard is the school for medical assistance ? like what are the classes

im not great at school and cant spell real well but please dont make fun of me! i reall want to be a medical assistance!

so like what do they do in school?

and on a scale 1 to 10 (10 being hardest) how hard? THANKS SO MUCH!




  1. A good school will have you take a placement test to see if you need any help with the basics before they have you take the actual classes. Some colleges can do a 9 month program and some make it a 2 year course study. I did the 9 month program which is extremely intensive. You also practice drawing blood and doing shots on each other in class, so if you have a needle phobia, this may not be for you.

  2. To be a medical assistant you have to be able to :

    1) memorize lots of words about the body & know how to spell them

    2) get along with people

    3) obey lots of rules

    4) be able to write neatly

    5) learn to take blood pressures & temperatures

    6) type & use a computer to write notes to the doctor on it

    It looks like for you it might be a 7. You could do it, but you'd have to work pretty hard on the homework, I'd guess.

    Good luck!

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