
Medical disqualifications for enlisting in the US army?

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I'm going to be getting a liver transplant soon and I was wondering if I would be disqualified from joining the army. I don't want to join but I want to know this.




  1. Chances are, the answer would be no.  Not because your new liver's not good enough, but because of the complications that follow.  What if the transplant doesn't take 100%?  Also, the Army doesn't like to have soldiers on permanent medications.  A valid reason, given the nature of the job, you wouldn't always be able to take your meds on a consistent schedule.

  2. no we have plenty of broke dic*s in the military as is don't need anymore...sorry  

  3. Um..strange that you should ask if your not interested in joining? The things the Military looks for when you join is your joints, back, knees, ankles, neck...Im pretty sure with the proper amount of time givin the liver trasplant to heal they would allow you to join. They might not let you join the infinitry, Rangers, SF or Delta though haha. Rules in the military change so fast its hard to keep up. Your best bet would be to contact your nearest recruiter who could probably give you an answer after asking just a few questions.

  4. Yes, Sorry but there are other ways  to serve...DOD hires a lot of civilians in many capacities...Check it out...Good Luck...Wish You Well

  5. Military Medical Standards

  6. The Army is  quite flippant, they set and break mutable rules...  A liver transplant is a big deal and  I feel it is likely this will disqualify you!  They are not one to take risks.  I  served for six years, one active and over seas.  I did part time  recruiting and from my experiance they would not take you.  You would have to have doctor's submisions which would likely not help you.  In my experiance people with far less important conditions were  disqualified.....

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