
Medical first response?

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Who is the first medical expert to respond to an accident. I know that typically fire and police arive first, but do the ambulance Paramedics carry out the first response. I mean do they put in stitches if it is necessary... Another words who cures medical issues. Firefighters save them from the accident, paramedics do quick work on them and transer them to ER, then doctors finish it up?




  1. Generally, fire departments arrive onscene first, because they have more stations. They help with extrication, controlling traffic onscene, and can provide initial basic medical care. Police respond to all car accidents, suspected crimes, and any incidents where there may be violence. The paramedics provide emergency stabilizing care, and transport to the hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital, the doctors examine the patient, order tests, and discharge the patient or admit the patient for further care.

    The vast majority of paramedics can't suture...but a few can, in certain situations.

  2. Police are first responders and go there to basically make sure that the patient and scene are safe from further harm and make sure that the safety is there for when medical is called in. They are certified in CPR and can initiate CPR or rescue breathing if needed if the call ends up pertaining to a patient that is in need of resuscitation. Some officers also know other first aid skills as well. Some will stop life threatening bleeding with pressure etc... Although, in most areas now fire fighters and ambulances will respond to medical scenes and accidents together. In rural areas it is generally just an ambulance and fire dispatched by the dispatching center or by the ambulance to respond if there is an accident that requires extrication or fluid spills etc... Now, back to the areas where both respond. Fire stations are spread out throughout the cities and from those stations can generally make it to the call with in 4-6, an officer is not there long alone without someone with a bit more knowledge to the medical aid. Some fire services carry medics with their units and some do not...but it is pretty safe to say that there is always an EMT-basic. Some also are the ones that run the ambulance service so, you may see firemen in an ambulance too. Or then you will have an ambulance that will respond and too will be there anywhere from 4-8 minutes. They will work with the fire dept. medical personnel to get the patient properly packaged for a transport to the hospital. They are the ones to make sure that all life threatening injuries are examined and treated to prevent further injury or death. They are the ones to make sure that they are breathing adequately and and do a complete physical exam to check for abnormalities, bleeding, bruising, deformities, contusions, abrasions, punctures, traumatic injury basically, check mental status etc... then if there is any findings they will bandage them, attempt or will stop the bleeding, and just treat any findings to the best of their capabiliites with what they carry. (Which is very successful). They also will provide Oxygen, heart monitoring, medications if needed, I.V's....So to put it straight out there they do initiate that treatment that you are wondering about and then transport to the Emergency Room. At the Emergency Room you are evaluated again by the physician that recieved a report from your caring medic and he then will continue on the care. He and his staff. Medics do not have stitches in their protocols but most likely one day will. (Well, I know that medics that work the off shore oil rigs take an extra course and do that) Things are changing rapidly and I could see them changing the protocols one day to take care of some of the minor complications out there to clear up emergency rooms. But for now, Doctors finish it up.

  3. In the instance here, the paramedic is the first responder of note; however in certain cities and towns, Fire and Police responders (who are always first on the scene) are capable of applying CPR to Respiratory and Cardiac arrest victims.

    Also in your statement, Parametics do not do stitching.

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