
Medical homework help...?

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I am studying to be a medical transcriptionist and am stuck on a particular paragraph. The dictator has a very heavy accent and this is what it sounds like he has dictated. The lines indicate the words I cannot figure out.

Physical assessment revealed there was no _____ [s/l unlocal] rigidity. Pharynx was clear. Heart rate regular. Abdomen was soft. Rectal exam deleted. Lower extremities free of any significant _______ [s/l pretivity] edema. There was bilaterally negative Homans.





  1. Believe or not, it would help to know what the presenting complaint was -- doctors often tailor their physical exam to rule in or rule out diagnoses.

    For example, in the neck region, the doctor may pay particular attention to the presence/absence of neck stiffness (nuchal rigidity) if he/she is suspecting meningitis, but in someone with suspected pulmonary edema, he/she may look for jugular vein distention instead.

    Anyway, without more information, my guesses for your blanks are:

    1. __nuchal__   rigidity

    2. __pitting__   edema

    Also, rectal exams are often "deferred", but who knows, maybe your doc actually deleted a rectal exam....

    Good luck!

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