
Medical marijuana for migraines?

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hello. my wife and i both suffer from horrible migraines, but her more so then me. We have found that nothing works to help it, but i have heard that marijuana helps cure migraines. This would be so helpful to her, and we were wondering if you can get a medical marijuana prescription for migraines, and how she would go about doing this. Thank you!




  1. not likely youll get a prescription unless your doctor is cool as ****, or if your migraine was from another illness like

    Multiple Sclerosis: severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms,Spinal Cord Injury: severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms, Spinal Cord Disease: severe pain and/or persistent muscle spasms, Cancer: severe pain, cachexia, anorexia, weight loss, and/or severe nausea, AIDS/HIV infection: severe pain, cachexia, anorexia, weight loss, and/or severe nausea; and Severe forms of Arthritis: severe pain and chronic pain,Epilepsy: seizures

  2. Try an herbal supplement called Head Q, it eases headaches and is very strong in eliminating migraines. I've used it and its safe and really works. You can read more about it on

  3. yes you most likely can!

    there are registered doctors that specialize in perscribing medical marijuana. They will find every reason they can to get you a card!

    first of all, you must see if your state is one of the twelve that allows medical use. (

    i live in California, and if you do too, here is A GREAT list of doctors that could help you out.

    Also check out this great site, all about Medical Marijuana and the Migraine!

    and i have to recomend the grand-daddy (not grand daddy purple...thats pot humor if you didnt catch it) site of them all can find just about anything you need on this website!!!

    good luck and happy tokes

  4. in certain states you can get a perscription for migraines

    I have arthritis in my knees and it works great.

    its something you would have to discuss with your doctor to see if you your state allows it

  5. I never really have migraines, but I used to get headaches everyday.    Since I started smoking, my headaches have gone away.  For me it's worked.  There's no harm in trying!

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