
Medical opinion??? Should I go to ER?

by  |  earlier

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I bang my left eyeball onto my boyfriend's forhead last night and now the area around my eyes are red and I'm having blood in my sinus.

I have insurance but my deductible is alot of money.




  1. How the h**l did you bang your eyeball on his forehead,do you have bulging eyes,or does he have a large bump on his forehead.

  2. Put ice around your eye.  It's probably getting black & blue.

    Sounds like a bloody nose:  Take thumb & index finger & pinch the bridge of your nose tightly for 10 minutes (no peeking);

    Keep head forward so you don't swallow blood;

    Keep head above heart level;

    Put ice above bridge of nose;

    If after 10 minutes, it's still bleeding...repeat above;

    If still bleeding after that you need to get medical treatment to stop bleeding;  it needs to get cauterized.

    If does stop bleeding..cover inside of nostrils with antibiotic ointment, then moisturize daily with face or body lotion...this will keep nose moist & also protect you from colds.

    Good luck

  3. hmmmm. I hope he is worst than you are. lol. Doesnt Sound like nothing serious.  

  4. You guys have one crazy sexual life ha.  In all reality, the eyes being red is probably just some broken blood vessels that will go away in a week tops. The sinus thing is different all depends on how much pain it causes you.

  5. Yes

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