
Medical or surgical abortion?

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Which of these will bleed? Both? Which one bleed more? Which more convenience? I'm only 5 or 6 weeks pregnant.




  1. I know a well established, well to do couple that have been trying for a long long time to have a baby and would love to have that baby you are going to murder. Um, sad. What if your mom would have aborted you, too bad.

  2. Well when your baby is forced out of it's nice, warm, soft place in his or her Mommy's womb, both ways will cause bleeding and pain for both of you.

  3. Yikes.

    This question disturbs me.

    "Which method of killing the child I willingly conceived will be more conveniant for me?"

    Keep your knees shut next time.

    And quite honestly, this question belongs in Womens Health.

  4. the title in this forum is parenting and pregnancy...why do ppl post stuff about abortion on here...obviously if we are all parents or pregnant we are not having abortions.  Why not post this c**p in the health area of yahoo answers.

  5. Surgical is easier and faster. Its scarier because its in a doctors office with medical equipment but its over very quickly and only a little bit painful and you will be fine within hours. Medical abortion sounds scary because you are home doing it yourself with pills.  

  6. Gee why dont you ask should I kill my baby with a scapel and vaccuum or with a coat hanger and suction. Your question is selfish and cruel. if you want to know how mean and disturbing this is check out this video. it will change ur mind real quick.  Why dont you ask ur baby what she wants. choose live. I will pray for you and for your evil thoughts.

  7. thats your baby, your gonna kill your baby?? the fetus can feel pain after 21 days of conception, so why does it matter what method you choose?  

  8. If abortion is your only option, then surgical has less affects to your body. Next time, play it safer if you are not ready to be a parent

  9. please . what do you think you re gonna get when you come here and ask a bunch of happy prego women and mothers about killing a baby ? . please we dont want to know about you murdering somebody whose heart is already beating . you re killing somebody and wondering which would bleed more ? i am not even gonna let you upset me .  

  10. Neither because you bleed the least amount when you keep the baby. Did you know at 6 weeks your baby has a heartbeat. Also you don't just walk into a clinic and say abort my baby and they do it right then. You have to make an appointment and then the doctor sees you then they make an appointment and you go back to get it done. My husband's cousin worked at a clinic that did abortions (for only one day though) and she said that it is a process not a quick fix to a "problem" She saw one abortion and when the baby came out it was still alive and they just sit it to the side to die. Your baby can feel the doctor killing it. RETHINK ABORTION!!!

  11. medical will make you bleed alot more that surgical, reason being is that you just take tablets and deal with the rest yourself. surgical would be more painful than the other, if you dont actually know what exactly goes on! both are very horrific experiences and not atall am i gunna reccommend any, keep in your mind about which ever way you decide best for you your still doing to have to deal with the pain after. also for the rest of your life you will have this innocents childs blood on your hands! i suggest you go on youtube and watch some videos there then make your decision. it will be hard. how old r u by the way?

  12. which one can kill you and make you sterile, and drive you to the point of regretfulness, hurt, anger, and depression...even if you want to go through the whole process, but keep thinking about how that baby would've, could've been or looked...BOTH

  13. You need to consult with a physician. No method is going to be bloodless. Either way it involves removing the products of pregnancy and that involves bleeding and cramping no matter what.

    Good luck.

    **And don't feel bad about asking this here - pregnant women who are happy about it and plan on keeping aren't the only ones who have a right to ask questions in this forum. Whether they like it or not or approve or not, abortion is just one way a pregnancy comes to an end. They don't need to read questions like yours if they don't approve.

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