1) T1 and T2 resp failiure are characterised by hypoxia and hypercarbia respectively... Does this mean certain resp conditions can only cause T1 or T2 - if so which ones... (I mean eg- asthma can obviously cause T1 resp fail, but I guess it could cause T2 as well?could it?)
2) Adrenaline is the same as epinephrine right? Just a different name isnt it? (I ask cos someone said adrenaline was the natural version of epinephrine - is that right?)
3) A MAP of above 65 is req to avoid renal failiure.. Does this mean kidneys are first to go in inadequate perfusion?
4) RE: Sepsis - one can be 'septic' if they have only 1 infection that affects the SIRS score adequately? t/f? (cos I thought that sepsis ((before)) that sepsis req more than 1 infection?)
5) Where are cardiac pacing wires inserted in the heart? And do they ever stay 'paced' on these wires for prolonged periods of time?
Thanks in advance, just wanted to clarrify a few questions, feel free to answer even 1or2 if u can thanks