
Medical professionals-i had an operation on my eye last year (august i think it was)?

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it was to correct a squint (my eye was facing inwards) well for the past couple of days i have noticed it is drifting the other way-why!?!?!

if i wear my glasses it does this but i hardly ever wear them-would wearing my glasses affect the muscles permanently??




  1. I think you need to go to the dr that did the surgery. You may need to have it done again.

  2. When people have strabismus surgery, usually one eye doesn't see so well. Usually it's the one that is turned IN.

    When that eye is turned in, or was turned in, the brain shut off the vision corresponding to the field of vision of that eye. It basically makes a blind spot or blind field. This is a suppression scotoma or blind spot. When correcting for esotropia, the eye that is moved out, MUST be moved out beyond midline. In doing so, that blind scotoma is moved beyond the central vision and the side vision of that eye begins to work. It will try and work WITH the same areas of the retina in the 'good' eye. These areas of retinal correspondence have to be 'trained' to work together.

    This is a good example of how orthoptics help. These are special eye 'exercises' that are done with the help of someone who specializes in othoptics. They train each eye to work with the other eye... together. More surgery will result in the same post op drift if you don't 'work' to get the two to work together... so to speak...

  3. Firstly, does your specs have a prism? If not, then you need to go to an optician and get spectacles with a prism fitted in them. This should fix the problem. Also talk to the surgeon who did the op and tell him/her that this is happening.

    Good luck and all the best.

  4. What you are experiencing is not new, and can happen months or years after the first surgery to correct the alignment.  You should contact your eye surgeon and be examined.  A second operation with adjustable sutures may be required.

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